Monday, November 7, 2011

I have never enjoyed school. Not even when I would occasionally spend the night at my dad's, which meant getting Taco Bell for breakfast. In grade school I often forgot my backpack, called home with made up ailments, and once I even peed my pants (in 3rd grade) because I didn't want to use the filthy facilities. In junior high I cried CONSTANTLY because algebra was just TOO hard. In high school I worked my ass off, but did everything in bed, watching TV, and usually I didn't start until midnight (or later)!

Then I went off to college at CAL, all hoity toity pretentious-like, and continued to do what I had always done. Sleep a lot. Do work at the last minute. Miss class because I would rather continue sleeping a lot. Skim the reading because it was boring and I would rather read The Dark Knight. Nothing changed, everything stayed the same, and I continued to get my As and Bs.

Nothing ever sparked my passion.

Now here I am again, in school. I know why I am here. I need a Real Job and a Real Income. The B.A. in Anthropology wasn't cutting it, and for that matter neither was the California job market. So here I go, a California girl throwing it all to the wind and moving to the Land of the Frozen Tundra (aka: not California). But I still can't bring myself to get shit done!

I enjoy my classes, I love to learn, and I love my classmates. I simply hate homework, hate papers and hate research. It all leaves me totally unfulfilled. Instead, I read other blogs, I look at erotic photography, I take pictures of my cats and I knit. I watch Glee. I do anything to avoid doing the work I am supposed to do.

And I continue to sleep. A lot.

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